Encrypted fields that use the probabilistic encryption scheme can’t be used with the following SOQL and SOSL clauses and functions:
- Aggregate functions such as MAX(), MIN(), and COUNT_DISTINCT()
- WHERE clause
- GROUP BY clause
- ORDER BY clause
Consider whether you can replace a WHERE clause in a SOQL query with a FIND query in SOSL.
One of the most common problems encountered is the restriction around including encrypted fields in the where clause of a SOQL statement. A SOSL find statement can sometimes be used in lieu of a SOQL statement.
global with sharing class WebServiceToGetOpportunity {
* @description use this method to get the Opportunity Id and Opportunity owner id using client number
* @return OpportunityWrapper
global static void opportunityDetailFromCLientNumber() {
String strURL = RestContext.request.requestURI;
String[] strURLSplit = strURL.Split('/');
// grab the client number the request
String clientNumber = strURLSplit[strURLSplit.size()-1];
OpportunityWrapper oppWrap;
List<Opportunity> lstOppRecord;
try {
//SOSL to retrieve the Account Id on the basis of client number
List<List<SObject>> lstSobject = [FIND :clientNumber IN ALL FIELDS Returning Account (Id,Client_Number__c)];
if(lstSobject != null && !lstSobject[0].isEmpty()){
List<Account> searchAccounts = (List<Account>)lstSobject[0];
//SOQL to fetch the associated opportunities with the Account Id
lstOppRecord = [SELECT Id,Account.Client_Number__c,OwnerId
FROM Opportunity
WHERE AccountId=:searchAccounts[0].Id AND IsWon=false AND LastModifiedDate >= LAST_N_MONTHS:2
if(!lstOppRecord.isEmpty() && lstOppRecord != null){
//fill the wrapper with Opportunity Id and Opportunity owner corporate key
oppWrap = new OpportunityWrapper(lstOppRecord[0].Id,lstOppRecord[0].OwnerId);
RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(oppWrap);
//Exception when No Opportunity exist with Client Number in Salesforce'
createExceptionResponse(404,'NOT_FOUND','No Opportunity exist with Client Number '+clientNumber+' in Salesforce');
//Exception when Client Number not exist in Salesforce'
createExceptionResponse(404,'NOT_FOUND','Client Number '+clientNumber+' not exist in Salesforce');
}catch(Exception e){ createExceptionResponse(500,'BAD_REQUEST',e.getMessage());} //something else happened
* @description use this method to create the RestContext Exception
global static void createExceptionResponse(Integer sfStatusCode,String sf_ErrorCode,String sf_Message){
RestContext.response.statusCode = sfStatusCode;
SalesforceError[] errs = new SalesforceError[]{ new SalesforceError(sf_ErrorCode, sf_Message)};
RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf(JSON.serialize(errs));
* @description use this class to serilize opportunity id and OwnerId
global class OpportunityWrapper{
public String sf_OpportunityId;
public String sf_OpportunityOwnerId;
public OpportunityWrapper(String sf_OpportunityId,String sf_OpportunityOwnerId){
* @description use this class to serilize the salesforce error response structure
global class SalesforceError {
public String errorCode;
public String message;
public SalesforceError(String errorCode, string message){
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.message = message;
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