Use Case
We all need to make the
Datetime comparisons in SOQL queries. But if the query is dynamic then the
datetime comparison gives an error if you just add the datetime variable
directly. e,g if your code looks like
datetime d =;
string query = 'Select ID
from Opportunity where CreatedDate > ' +d;
Then you are likely to get a runtime SOQL datetime format error.
Then you are likely to get a runtime SOQL datetime format error.
To resolve
it we need to change the datetime into a format which is in SOQL format. Hence
this is the written method for the same.
Use the following method to change your datetime into a format which can be directly put into dynamic SOQL and SOSL where clauses.
Use the following method to change your datetime into a format which can be directly put into dynamic SOQL and SOSL where clauses.
Reusable Code
datetime d =;
string query = 'Select ID
from Opportunity where CreatedDate > ' + getSOQLDateTime (d);
if (dt == null) return '';
String datevalue = String.valueofGmt(dt);
string [] datetimepair = datevalue.split(' ');
string datepart = datetimepair[0];
string timepart = datetimepair.size() > 1 ? datetimepair[1] : '';
string [] dateparts = datepart.split('-');
string [] timeparts = timepart == '' ? null : timepart.split(':');
string hour = (timeparts == null)? '00' : timeparts[0];
string minute = (timeparts == null)? '00' : timeparts[1];
string second = (timeparts == null)? '00' : timeparts[2];
string millisecond = '000';
string month = dateparts[1];
string year = dateparts[0];
string day = dateparts[2];
string result = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + 'T' + hour + ':'+ minute + ':' + second + '.' + millisecond + 'Z';
return result;
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