How to set Current Company by UI:-
Go to a non-setup page where you can see the left sidebar. The left sidebar near the top should show your 'current company'.
If you have no 'current company', a link saying 'Current Company not set' should appear there instead.
Click on the link and select a company from the list of companies that you have created.
Click on the link and select a company from the list of companies that you have created.
Then create your invoice(s) as required
Test Class for Sales Invoice in Financial Force ( How to set current company by Code ) :-
@isTest private class salesInvoiceTestClass { static testMethod void salesInvoiceTest() { Group testGroup = new Group(Name='test group', Type='Queue'); insert testGroup; QueuesObject testQueue ; System.runAs(new User(Id=UserInfo.getUserId())) { List<queuesobject > listQueue = new List<queuesobject >(); queuesobject q1 = new queuesobject (, sobjecttype='Case'); listQueue.add(q1); queuesobject q2 = new queuesobject (, sobjecttype='c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c'); listQueue.add(q2); queuesobject q3 = new queuesobject (, sobjecttype='c2g__codaPurchaseInvoice__c'); listQueue.add(q3); queuesobject q4 = new queuesobject (, sobjecttype='c2g__codaCompany__c'); listQueue.add(q4); queuesobject q5 = new queuesobject (, sobjecttype='c2g__codaYear__c'); listQueue.add(q5); queuesobject q6 = new queuesobject (, sobjecttype='c2g__codaInvoice__c'); listQueue.add(q6); insert listQueue; GroupMember GroupMemberObj = new GroupMember(); GroupMemberObj.GroupId =; GroupMemberObj.UserOrGroupId = UserInfo.getUserId(); insert GroupMemberObj; } c2g__codaCompany__c company = new c2g__codaCompany__c(); company.Name = 'Test Record'; company.JDE_Company_Code__c = '123'; company.GLS_JE_Group_Number__c = '123' ; company.c2g__CashMatchingCurrencyMode__c = 'Test Account'; company.c2g__YearEndMode__c = 'Test Code'; company.c2g__ExternalId__c = 'ABCDE1234567876'; company.c2g__LogoURL__c =''; company.c2g__ECCountryCode__c = 'AE' ; company.c2g__VATRegistrationNumber__c = 'Test 222.222.222 TVA' ; company.c2g__Website__c = ''; company.c2g__Country__c ='US'; company.ownerid = testGroup.Id; insert company; c2g__codaYear__c yr= new c2g__codaYear__c(); yr.Name ='2015'; yr.c2g__AutomaticPeriodList__c = true; yr.c2g__OwnerCompany__c =; yr.c2g__ExternalId__c = 'yzsd1234'; yr.c2g__NumberOfPeriods__c =11; yr.c2g__StartDate__c = - 10; yr.c2g__Status__c = 'Open'; yr.c2g__PeriodCalculationBasis__c = '445'; yr.c2g__YearEndMode__c = 'Full Accounting Code' ; yr.c2g__UnitOfWork__c = 12; yr.ownerid = testGroup.Id; insert yr; c2g__codaPeriod__c prd = new c2g__codaPeriod__c(); prd.Name ='Test2015'; prd.c2g__ExternalId__c ='abdc12345'; prd.c2g__StartDate__c =; prd.c2g__EndDate__c=; prd.c2g__OwnerCompany__c =; prd.c2g__PeriodNumber__c ='123'; prd.c2g__Description__c ='test Desc'; prd.c2g__PeriodGroup__c = 'Q1'; prd.c2g__PeriodNumber__c = '1'; prd.c2g__YearName__c =; insert prd; c2g__codaUserCompany__c userCompany = new c2g__codaUserCompany__c(); userCompany.c2g__Company__c; userCompany.c2g__User__c = userInfo.getUserId(); userCompany.c2g__ExternalId__c = 'ABCDE1234567876'; userCompany.c2g__UnitOfWork__c = 111 ; insert userCompany; c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c accCurrency = new c2g__codaAccountingCurrency__c(); accCurrency.c2g__OwnerCompany__c =; accCurrency.c2g__DecimalPlaces__c = 2; accCurrency.Name = 'AED'; accCurrency.c2g__Dual__c = true ; accCurrency.ownerid = testGroup.Id; insert accCurrency; c2g__codaExchangeRate__c exchRate = new c2g__codaExchangeRate__c(); exchRate.c2g__ExchangeRateCurrency__c =; exchRate.c2g__OwnerCompany__c =; exchRate.c2g__ExternalId__c ='12323232'; exchRate.c2g__Rate__c =44.55; exchRate.c2g__StartDate__c =; exchRate.c2g__UnitOfWork__c =10; insert exchRate; c2g__codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c GLAcc = new c2g__codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c(); GLAcc.Name = 'Retained Earnings'; GLAcc.c2g__BalanceSheet1__c ='Balance Sheet'; GLAcc.Description__c ='test Desc'; GLAcc.c2g__ExternalId__c ='testID'; GLAcc.Account_Level__c = 'CAB'; GLAcc.Business_Unit__c = 'RG'; GLAcc.c2g__ReportingCode__c = '1234567543333'; GLAcc.c2g__UnitOfWork__c =123; GLAcc.Reconciliation_Frequency__c ='Quarterly'; GLAcc.c2g__TrialBalance1__c = 'Balance Sheet' ; GLAcc.c2g__Type__c = 'Balance Sheet' ; GLAcc.X10_Digit_GLA__c = false; insert GLAcc; Account acc= new Account(); acc.Name='Test Account'; acc.Account_Currency__c='USD'; acc.CurrencyIsoCode='USD'; acc.c2g__CODAAccountsPayableControl__c = GLAcc.Id; insert acc; c2g__codaInvoice__c testInvoice = new c2g__codaInvoice__c(); testInvoice.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD' testInvoice.c2g__InvoiceDate__c = testInvoice.c2g__DueDate__c = testInvoice.c2g__Account__c = acc.Id testInvoice.c2g__OwnerCompany__c = testInvoice.ownerid = testGroup.Id insert testInvoice; } }
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